Thursday 23 June 2011

this week

we graduated on 22/06/2011 i haven't got a finished product photo yet because we got kicked outta the computer suite so we couldn't update this blog stuff and any other assessments.

last week

here we are putting insulation in the spaces and then putting gib up
then putting up the tin stuff and screw it on

this picture is what we are upto now putting battens on the back wall

Wednesday 22 June 2011

last week

here we are nailing the frames to the floor then we put up braces to hold the frames in place.

here we are getting ready for
 our rafters and purlins.
in the next picture
 here is me and ra putting nogs
in the end of the wing wall.                         

Wednesday 25 May 2011

At m.i.t

we are nailing our floor down and then we can put up our walls, on the edge its 150mm. going up the floor is 200mm. after this we put up our walls as you can see in the next picture.we are moving our frames to our sleep outs then we level it all up the with the sidewalls the put up our front frame then we nail it temporary.

Wednesday 4 May 2011


On monday the 2 of May it was raining and we went into the the workshop to make a BBQ table, which didnt take long. we went into to groups of 3-4 and made different parts to our a BBQ table. my group was in charge for the bracing parts, in this picture we are cutting the small the braces that go underneith the top plate. then we go and get the wood for the runners and cut the angles. then we realized the runners were to short so we decieded to make longer ones.

here in this picture we are drilling the bolt holes. then we put the bolts through then we sorted out 180 mm each side of the seat and the top planks, then we put it on like the picture below.


Wednesday 23 March 2011


this week at mit we have been looking at a plan for our sleepout, we have taken off the cover to our wood and sorted out which wood it is for the sub floor. we used a dumpy to set out where the sleepout is going to go.

Monday 21 March 2011

Work Experience at royal oak intermediate

My first day doing WE (work experience) it is really cool stuff. I De nailed a shelf and took it down, Some of the nails were really bent so it took me a bit longer. first i grabbed the hammer and hit the top of the hammer and the top came apart, After that i started to De nail the shelve top. After morning tea i went to the woodworking room to move the tools over to the other room. after lunch i carried on with moving tools after i finished i came to update my blog.

my 2nd day, i went out to the field to move some bark round the trees at the back fence. which took til after lunch.i did that til there was enough bark at the back fence.

about myself